Coach to Empower







is a one-on-one coaching service specialising in empowering women.  By focusing on mindset it allows our clients to develop beliefs, values and perceptions that will serve them to get them what they want.  Jumping over hurdles and smashing through barriers are the outcomes enjoyed by clients.  Coaching will benefit anyone who wants something in their lives to be different.  Some common complaints include self-sabotage, time management issues, not feeling good enough, work/life balance, lack of confidence, self-worth issues, feeling stressed or anxious, excessive worrying and many many more.  Our commitment to you is that we will work with you to help you create the life you want.


We believe all individuals are extraordinary and are committed to helping you achieve your full potential by helping you break through whatever is holding you back.

Are your beliefs, focus or awareness holding you back from living the life you dream of?  Imagine being in an ideal relationship, having financial security or whatever it is that inspires you.  It’s all up to you.

We coach with the main aim to empower you in every area of your life.  To experience the natural high of empowerment Call Di Browne on 0427 026 935.



What is Coaching?

Coaching assists you in getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be.

How does it work?

Put simply, a coaching session consists of you and me having a chat where you are really listened to.  This is a special conversation that will give you awareness and clarity around a specific issue (where you are now).  Using the proven NLP techniques and methodologies of coaching, new beliefs and strategies will be implemented that will allow you to make the changes necessary to achieve the outcomes you want (to where you want to be).


“I’m doing OK as I am…So Why Do I need ‘Coaching’?”

Good question, and it’s one that I’m asked often as a certified Life Coach.

The answer is that no one is capable of perfectly analysing their own thoughts, emotions and desires. As your Coach, I help you to clarify your thoughts and feelings and create awareness around your beliefs, without inserting my own opinions or “giving you advice”.


Life Coaching works because it helps you to focus your thoughts and feelings toward what you want AND motivate you to take action on your clearer perspective. So if you’re ready to step your life up a gear and take positive action toward making your life more productive, focused and fulfilling, contact me now to set up a complimentary introductory session on 0427 026 935.

1 Comment

  • By business information, February 19, 2013 @ 11:44 pm

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